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    Yellow 結果共91筆

  • 黃宣不藏了!模特兒親姪女罕見曝光美成這樣:非常驕傲

    YELLOW黃宣無預警發表全新音樂作品〈Ghost Swing〉,這是他相隔兩年又九個月才推出的個人單曲,新歌帶有強烈黃宣個人風格的作品,創作靈感來自於一個流傳許久的傳說:「據說在午夜十二點、在某個小鎮的十字路口,將自己的靈魂賣給魔鬼,就能換取任何想獲得的財富、功名,翻轉人生際遇。」值得一提的是歌名〈Ghost Swing〉諧音正好是「狗屎運」,要好好的活在這個處處必須符合世俗價值的現代社會,也許你根本不需要出賣靈魂,只需要獲得一點狗屎運,「相信自己」才能找到真正的自由,每個人都應該活出自己真實的樣貌。
    2024/09/10 19:22
  • 才剛生完第三胎!李千娜無預警「報喜」:有寶寶心跳聲

    李千娜剛生完跟黃尚禾的小孩,去年底發行全新專輯《關·與妳》,與金曲獎差身而過,被陳子鴻老師列為遺珠之一,沒想到寶寶yellow出生後帶來好運,不僅是與美麗本人合作單曲〈你是我的Bae〉入圍2024《走鐘獎》 ,昨(6)日更傳來她的新歌〈媽媽絮語〉,榮獲「2024 LAFA洛杉磯電影獎」音樂錄影帶類榮譽獎,這支MV充滿李千娜跟寶寶的參與及創意想法,能夠獲獎,讓她在表演途中大叫「哇賽!我得獎了!」
    2024/09/07 18:09
  • Taiwan sees sunny skies with chances of afternoon storms

    Discover the latest weather update for Taiwan: mostly sunny with chances of brief thunderstorms and localized heavy rain. Temperatures could soar above 36 degrees in some areas. Taipei faces an orange heat alert, with other regions on yellow alert. Also, learn about the potential development of Typhoon Shanshan and the aftermath of Typhoon Jongdari. Stay informed on weather changes and prepare for high temperatures.
    2024/08/21 09:19
  • 黃宣遭《歌手2024》淘汰爆黑幕!首露面不藏都說了:最好安排

    2024/08/08 18:14
  • 黃宣認撞臉奧運銅牌陳念琴!聽林郁婷被性別霸凌 曝光反擊機會

    2024/08/08 18:10
  • 產後4個月!李千娜停餵母乳崩潰哭了 深夜吐辛酸原因

    2024/08/08 10:53
  • 黃宣斜槓運動員不藏了 自豪「這部位」異於常人:沒遇過比我大

    2024/08/01 10:54
  • High temperatures, storms to hit Taiwan, CWA advises caution

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s weather: The CWA has issued orange heat alerts for 14 areas and predicts afternoon thunderstorms across northern and central regions. Stay updated on safety measures.
    2024/07/11 11:35
  • 金曲35/萬芳獻唱特別貢獻獎鄭華娟 4經典串組曲認了壓力大

    第35屆金曲獎將於本週六(29)日在台北小巨蛋登場,除了得獎名單備受關注外,每年頒獎嘉賓也為典禮增添許多亮點,今(24)日公布頒獎嘉賓陣容,包括(按筆畫排序): 9m88、A-Lin、Faye詹雯婷、HUSH、Leo王、YELLOW黃宣、江美琪、艾怡良、呂薔、告五人、桑布伊、高捷、許茹芸、陳君豪、陳建瑋、陳建騏、彭佳慧、熊仔、鳳小岳、魏如昀、魏如萱、蘇珮卿等都將出席這場屬於音樂人的盛會。
    2024/06/24 12:32
  • 日新幹線隱藏版「黃醫生」將退役 驚喜現東京車站鐵道迷狂拍

    在日本有「黃醫生」(Doctor Yellow)之稱的東海道新幹線軌道檢查車,預計於2025年1月退役,昨天它在東京車站短暫停留,讓鐵道迷感到相當驚喜又興奮,紛紛拿起手機拍照。
    2024/06/16 09:34
  • Ella拍手狂讚!李千娜產後2個月明開唱 中空裝曬纖腰被看光

    女星李千娜二婚嫁給男演員黃尚禾,3月底迎來寶貝兒子「Yellow」,她產後首場演出獻給明(25)日在台北小巨蛋舉辦的「2024 hito流行音樂獎頒獎典禮」,今她在社群分享彩排照,不僅放送纖腰,Ella對於她升格三寶媽,更是拍手大讚「好厲害」。
    2024/05/24 17:19
  • 單身狗有福了!星巴克這兩天推「黃色玫瑰情人節」 第二杯折100

    你知道嗎?其實5月14日是黃色玫瑰情人節也就是YELLOW & ROSE DAY,星巴克宣布將 於5月13、14日連續2天,推出「YELLOW & ROSE DAY約我喝咖啡吧!第2杯折100元」活動,單身者穿上黃色的衣服和朋友一同到星巴克喝飲料,期間不限時段至全台星巴克門市購買2杯大杯(含)以上容量、冰熱、口味皆一致的飲料,即享第二杯折價100元優惠。
    2024/05/12 10:40
  • 3月才生第三胎!李千娜拚命宣布開工 直接躍上小巨蛋

    女星李千娜二婚嫁給男演員黃尚禾,3月底迎來寶貝兒子「Yellow」,沒想到正在做月子的她,確定出席5月25日在台北小巨蛋舉辦的2024 hito流行音樂獎頒獎典禮,這也是她產後首次復出亮相,而一回歸就要登上如此大的舞台,李千娜興奮大於緊張,迫不及待想在台北小巨蛋邀請歌迷們一起《關・與妳》,與她一起閱覽身為女性的多重宇宙。
    2024/05/08 13:04
  • Kaohsiung to host global hub for Austronesian cultures

    Discover the future National Museum of Indigenous Peoples in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, set to become a global center for Austronesian cultures. With a NT$5.8 billion budget, it aims to connect Taiwan with Austronesian-speaking communities, promote indigenous culture, and foster international cooperation. Located near Chengcing Lake and accessible by the future MRT Yellow Line, the museum will feature indigenous artifacts, ecological education, and serve as a hub for multiculturalism and leisure tourism.
    2024/05/06 17:42
  • Taiwan’s weather swings: From heatwave to plum rains

    Taiwan faces a scorching day with temperatures up to 36°C, particularly in its southern and southeastern areas, as forecasted by the Central Weather Administration. Foehn winds are anticipated in Taitung County, prompting a heat advisory with a yellow warning for Tainan, Kaohsiung, Pingtung, and Taitung counties. A weather shift is expected to bring brief showers or thunderstorms, especially in the central and northern regions, with heavier rainfall predicted for the northeastern and Greater Taipei’s mountainous areas. Meteorologist Lin Te-en highlights an expected above-average rainfall for May, aligning with the plum rain season, potentially easing Taiwan’s water scarcity concerns yet raising flooding risks.
    2024/04/30 11:54
  • 才剛生3寶!李千娜爆帶兒「做這事」臨陣逃跑 崩潰:無法面對

    2024/04/29 12:11
  • Neipu, Pingtung hits record high of 37.1°C: CWA

    Temperatures soar above 36°C in southern Taiwan, with Neipu, Pingtung reaching 37.1°C. CWA issues yellow alerts for Tainan, Kaohsiung, and Pingtung as the island experiences high temperatures and heat throughout the day.
    2024/04/15 18:04
  • 黃尚禾升格人父!見兒子激動暴哭 李千娜坐月子「這行為」惹怒他

    2024/04/13 07:00
  • Hualien quake triggers requests for building assessments

    Following a powerful earthquake in Hualien, the National Land Management Agency (NLMA) received 848 requests for disaster assessment, with 42 buildings under severe red notice and 70 under yellow notice. The NLMA offers subsidies for structural safety assessments and urges residents to report any signs of damage for professional evaluation.
    2024/04/08 17:23
  • 花蓮強震/美地質調查局估死亡介於十至百人 發布黃色警報

    花蓮外海在昨日(3)上午7時58分,發生芮氏規模7.2強震,引起世界各國高度關注,也包含專門監測全球地質活動的美國地質調查局(USGS)。在其官方粉專上,不只詳細列出此次花蓮強震的時間與震央,還根據花蓮地震的威力,推估後續可能造成的影響,發出「黃色警報」(yellow alert),提醒此次強震,很可能會導致10至100人之間的死傷,以及一定程度的財務損失。
    2024/04/04 11:25
  • Hsiao defends Ma Ying-jeou’s China visit amid DPP criticism

    Hsiao Hsu-tsen of the Ma Ying-jeou Foundation vows to confront DPP smear campaign ahead of Ma Ying-jeou’s China visit. He emphasizes one-China constitution and calls for DPP to address issues hindering cross-strait peace. Criticizes President Tsai’s two-state theory and warns of endless strife if constitutional issues not faced. Historical and cultural ties between Taiwan and China highlighted amid upcoming visit to Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor.
    2024/03/26 16:09
  • Ma Foundation expresses wish to meet with Xi Jinping

    Former Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou is set to visit mainland China again in April, leading a group of young people from the Ma Ying-jeou Foundation exchange program on a cultural and educational tour. The visit includes stops at Peking University in Beijing, Sun Yat-sen University, and a grand ceremony worshipping the Yellow Emperor. Plans for a meeting between Ma and Chinese leader Xi Jinping are subject to China’s arrangements.
    2024/03/25 15:18
  • Sharp temperature drop hits Taiwan

    Stay informed about the latest weather updates in Taiwan as the Central Weather Administration issues warnings of significant temperature drops and cold surges across various regions. Expect sharp decreases below 10 degrees Celsius, scattered showers in certain areas, and strong northeast winds in coastal regions.
    2024/03/13 14:50
  • 倒數3天!金狼獎揭獎「卡司超大咖」 比莉、五月天瑪莎都來了

    2024/03/06 13:19
  • Iconic yellow duck in Kaohsiung collapses, repairs underway

    Strong winds in Kaohsiung cause a giant yellow rubber duck to deflate, sparking online discussions. Kaohsiung Department of Tourism works on repairs, clarifying that the collapse was due to mooring cable issues, not a puncture. Councilor Chiu Chun-hsien humorously comments on the incident.
    2024/02/21 14:31
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